On the home stretch: The NRP 78 programme conclusion is approaching
The National Research Program 78 “Covid-19” (NRP 78) has entered its final phase. The final report of the research programme is in progress, and a national media conference on the programme conclusion will follow in November.
The NRP 78 has entered its final phase: By the end of June 2023, the last of the 28 projects have completed their research and submitted their results. The members of the Steering Committee are now working on the assessments and the final report. Since the NRP 78 was launched in 2020 at short notice with the occurrence of the Covid-19 pandemic, it has a shortened duration of two and a half years and no detailed programme synthesis was planned at that time.
Subsequently, however, the results of the research in the NRP 78 will be presented on an ongoing basis, starting with the SNSF Corona Research Conference in Thun at the end of March 2023. A video series will take a look at the laboratories and workplaces of selected NRP 78 researchers as well as projects of the SNSF Special Call on Coronaviruses. Furthermore, the final report of the NRP 78 will be widely distributed among stakeholders. Finally, there will be a national media conference at the end of the programme, which will review research in times of crisis and look ahead to lessons for future pandemics. The event will take place in Bern in November 2023 and will mark the official conclusion of the NRP 78.