NRP 78 “Covid-19”

Mandated by the Federal Council, the SNSF is launching a call for the National Research Programme "Covid-19" (NRP 78). The aim is to provide health care recommendations and innovative solutions to fight the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19).

The NRP comprises four research modules:

  • Module 1: Basic aspects of the biology, pathogenicity and immunogenicity of Sars-CoV-2
  • Module 2: New approaches in Covid-19 epidemiology and disease prevention
  • Module 3: Covid-19 vaccine, drug and diagnostics development
  • Module 4: Clinical Covid-19 research and therapeutic interventions

The NRP will operate with an overall budget of 20 million Swiss francs and its research projects will run for two years.. Unlike in other NRPs, there will be no two-stage selection procedure. Full proposals must be submitted directly. Projects will be selected by an international panel of experts based on a peer–review process. All proposals must be submitted by 25 May 2020 via the mySNF platform. Detailed information on the participation requirements and submission procedure are published in the call document.